"When he arrived and saw the evidence of the grace of God, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts." Acts 11:23
Thank You, Father, for the grace you rain down on me.
Pics from Christmas Day...
This Christmas was extra special. First time in our new home. A blanket of snow covered everything. An unexpected gift. The gift actually came a little after Christmas because of the snow...it delayed family. Chris' mom had let us know that she had a surprise and that we would like it. We thought it was something she got....a new car, a cat...we just didn't know. Well, it wasn't a car or a cat. When she arrived, she handed us an envelope and told us it was from a friend of her coworker...someone we had never met. Someone she had never met. The friend had heard about us adopting when Ann shared our blog with her coworker, and the friend wanted to help. Inside the envelope was a few hundred dollars! Wow! Chris and I just looked at each other in disbelief, and, of course, I got teary. Whether she knew it or not, whether she's a believer in the Lord Jesus or not, God had used her to bless us! Someone who never met us! This surprise was evidence of God's grace. God's grace is still so amazing to me!
You see, most people who check into international adoption end up not adopting because of the cost. I have to admit that was my first thought...how can we do this? We don't have that much money. Will we ever have it? My mom asked me, "Out of all the adoption stories you have heard, how many have been about someone not going through with it because of money?" I said, "None. It's always how God has provided. How miraculously He has provided." I say all this to encourage those of you who have considered adopting but are concerned about coming up with the money. I've been there, and sometimes I still go there...but not for long because God shows us evidence of His grace. Money is nothing to the Creator.
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