The past week or so has been an emotional one. There has been some disappointment in our process related to two little ones that we were beginning to get attached to. It's funny how attached you get to someone that you have never met. We have only seen pictures, most a few years old, and read some medical reports that told us about the heart defects. It turns out that the children that we thought might be "the ones" for us may not be at all. Weird that we can be heart broken over feedback on a person that we never met and lives a world away. I know Bethany will have more to add to this but from where I am in this, I watched my wife as she was blessed by a friend with nothing more than a phone number for a doctor. She had said, "I need a word from God today" and as we walked into church Sunday she was handed this little piece of paper with that name and number on it. This particular doctor is a specialist that travels to China to perform heart surgery on orphans...are you kidding?! Bethany has said several times that she feels very led to doing more for orphans and getting involved in some way, to allow God to use her to serve these kids wherever they are. During the service Frank showed a video about orphans in Romania and how we can help. There is a mission trip coming up this summer. Here is an opportunity to step into God's work, to provide some hope and love to a group of people that truly have nothing. Another touch from God. Also, we are hoping to host a ladies tea and were trying to figure out how we are going to pull all of that together. Renting/borrowing tables was an issue and I know it sounds like a small one but Sunday Darren from Calvary sat with us for a minute and let us know that he had just purchased 25 tables for the church. One more blessing that we didn't see coming, one more hurdle removed, one more Word from God. It may seem like a small thing but the amount of stress a little practical thing like that can relieve is amazing.
Lesson; be careful when you ask to hear from God...He might just respond.