Thursday, November 3, 2011

93 and counting...

Today makes the 93rd day of waiting for our LOA (letter of approval). We are already pre-approved to adopt Timothy and Annabelle, but the LOA is the formal paper work to get immigration papers started... and of course, more paperwork and another wait and more paperwork...

This mommy must admit that this has been a long, hard wait. We've waited for papers before, but now we've seen their sweet faces.

We know who they are... they are the ones God chose for us long ago. And... His timing is perfect. So, even though it seems like a long wait to me, the timing will be as it should.

Of course we are keeping very busy, and there's still lots to do. Lots of cleaning out, painting, crawling around to see what is not toddler proof :) and most of all... getting ready for our big Both Hands project which is just about 2 weeks away. Click here for more info.

So, I'll keep doing what I can to take care of my family and prepare for our little ones' arrival....and wait (try to wait patiently) on God's perfect timing.


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